Friday, July 22, 2011


Welcome to my blog for my upcoming trip to the Netherlands!

For those of you that don't know, I will be going on a trip to the Netherlands (and Paris) in 2.5 days. I leave Monday morning, and will arrive in Amsterdam the following morning. That will be around 11pm here in PST. The time difference is +9 hours for Amsterdam time. (For those of you in mountain time, that's +8.) I will be staying at Jenni's father's apartment in The Hague for the majority of the trip (Hooray!). I will arrive back on the evening of August 6th. 

My plan is to post here daily/ almost daily and use it as a journal of sorts that I can share with all of you! I figure this will be easier than trying to tell all of you about everything when I get back, and nicer on my fingers than actually journalling like I have in the past. Also, I can add photos :) Therefore, I will try to remember to share to Facebook, G+ and Twitter when I post (since blogger doesn't do it automatically to my knowledge, though it might to G+) BUT as that might come out sort of spammy, if you want to read every post as they happen you should bookmark and check back!

Todays preparatory tasks include shopping, so I had better get on that!

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