Monday, August 1, 2011


Today was another relaxed day. I woke up at around 11:30 and slowly got myself together to go out to Delft, which is the town just south of the Hague known for it's pretty buildings.

And well, I went there and saw just that! Unfortunately the famous windmill was down for restoration/ construction, but I did walk through a good deal of the town and it was quite pretty. Very quiet as well, in comparison to the noise of Amsterdam, Paris and even The Hague. It's a nice, residential, rural sort of area. A suburb really. But with some quite pretty cathedrals and official looking buildings. Lots of canals as well. I took many many photos with my nice camera, but none with my phone (partly because I was alone) so I haven't anything to post here. But I did go, and it was nice. I even had some more frites while I was there :) Several swans and other birds approached me to try to steal some, but they weren't brave enough to go after anything I was still holding. Pretty swans though.

On the way back I got off at Kneuterdijk, which is the name for the stop that the Binnenhof is closest to (thats the royal seat in the Hague). I walked through the Binnenhof and past the Maurithuis Museum (which houses the Girl with the Pearl Earring, I plan to go back there Wednesday morning)  and along some streets on my way to the Peace Palace, which is about 2 tram stops up. I wandered into a series of outdoor sculptures on the way and finally photographed a church I had seen from the tram half a dozen times. My feet were quite tired and it was about closing time when I arrived at the Peace Palace, but I did get some photos of the outside to go with my photos of the mini version in Madurodam. I then hopped on the tram to Keizerstraat, where I found a post office and mailed my 3 Parissien postcards. I bought another 3 in Delft that I will write sometime later this week and then pop into the nearest bright orange mailbox before I leave. After all that I returned to the apartment and rested for an hour or so before discovering I needed somethings from Albert Heijn (which I spelled wrong last time I think) so I took the bike out there quickly to grab the things I need. I eat a lot of cheese here, but its SO DELICIOUS. I also got some wine on this trip. The bottle claims its a Bordeaux Rosé. It's alright, a bit drier than I like though. Goes well with the chocolate I bought.

Speaking of chocolate, tomorrow I go to Brussels, Belgium! Just for the day. I already have my walking route mapped out on my travel book's map. I will be buying lots of chocolate. I'm excited. Next blog will be either tomorrow night late, or Wednesday. I can't believe I've been here a week!

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