Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hangin' in the Hague

So, the past couple days have been somewhat rearranged from plan and been a bit less eventful than planned, therefore, I don't have much to report.

Yesterday Jen and Peter returned in the morning from their trip to Georgia. After a chill morning Jen and I ran some errands, went out to lunch at one of the restaurants on the boardwalk and then went out to the water to put our feet in. For something called the North Sea the water was warm! I mean, it was still cold, but compared to the usual temperature of the Pacific at home it was much warmer. It may be because it's late summer, so I'll have to go to the beach again at home and do some comparison.

Last night we went to a dinner party with the interns at one of their apartments. It was a good time :)

Today Jen and I went to Leiden and Wassenaar (aka places Jen has lived in Holland). In Leiden we went to her favorite Pannekoeken house. I think the pictures will speak for themselves:

Said pancake as large as my torso had cheese and ginger in it. I know that sounds like a weird combination, and I was skeptical at first, but actually it was quite tasty! Which was good, because I never would have been able to decide between the two separately. 

Anyway, after the pancakes, we walked around the center of Leiden a bit. There were windmills.
Then we caught a bus towards Wassenaar, which is situated between Leiden and the Hague. We got off first at a place near the house that Jen lived in when she was in 6th grade. (Bethy also lived near there in her youth, for those keeping track). We walked around a bit and passed by Jen's old house, and then sat in a park for a bit. Then we got back on the bus and went to the center of town where we walked through the shopping area and stopped at the famed candy shop that Jen has brought me candy from. I got a whole lot, so those of you at home can have some. We then returned to the apartment and rested for a while before we went out to dinner with Peter and an old intern who is currently living in the Hague. We went to a really tasty chinese restaurant (it helped that said intern is from China and knew the restaurant well). After eating, Jen and I had a meeting with a friend at a nearby Irish pub called O'Casey's, where they were having a trivia night. It was a lot of fun! We met a lot of other interns from the various tribunals in the Hague. It was fun :) I sort of like hanging out with lawyers to be. I still don't want to be one though... too much rule following I think.

Tomorrow I am going back to Amsterdam tomorrow to go to Anne Frank Huis and possibly also the Rijksmuseum. We'll see. Going to try to be brave and get a water taxi too. Then I have to pack :(  I'll be all trip summary in my post tomorrow night.

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